With a title like that, you would be right to expect something really promising. Even the opening sequence lives up to expectations. A lightning bolt hits Bruce Lee‘s grave and a lookalike leaps out from beneath the soil. Despite the promising start, this quickly becomes a plodding murder mystery in which a Bruce Lee imitator (Chung Jun, credited as Bruce K.L. Lea) lands in California to investigate the death of his brother. The inclusion of a thousand characters doesn’t help, and the film quickly becomes a bore despite the brief moments of Lee-style brawling. Resist any temptation.
AKA: Invincible Bruce Lee; The Stranger; Visitor of America.
- Country: Hong Kong, South Korea
- Action Director: Chen San, Chong Jun, Loong Pak-fei
- Directed by: Lee Doo-yong
- Starring: Anthony Bronson, Chong Jun, Deborah Dutch, Jack Houston, Steve Mak
- Produced by: Kwak Jeong-hwan, Kwok Chong-huang
- Written by: Hong Chee-do
- Studio: Hap Ding Film Co.