Second in Command (2006)

Posted in Reviews by - May 30, 2013
Second in Command (2006)

One of Van Damme‘s straight to video shit storms, this one plays like an episode of 24 and looks like one too. He’s an ex-Navy SEAL military attache (nicknamed Bodycount) sent to Moldavia to protect the President from a revolutionary militia who attack the US embassy by lobbing rocket propelled grenades through the windows. With the embassy on lock down, Van Damme must protect the Moldavian head of state from constant assassination attempts, coordinate the rescue of the hostages, tackle conflicting orders from commanding officers and the Secretary of State, take down the terrorists and protect his reporter girlfriend. He even squeezes a few high kicks into the film as part of a box-ticking exercise to provide the sort of routine references his fans expect. The kindest thing to say about the film is that it never gets too boring.

This post was written by
Editor and creator of Kung Fu Movie Guide and the host of the Kung Fu Movie Guide Podcast. I live behind a laptop in London, UK.

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