Avenging Force (1986)

Posted in Reviews by - July 22, 2012
Avenging Force (1986)

The familiar American Ninja pairing of Dudikoff and James seems somewhat less formidable in this uneasy action caper, which is exciting in parts but gets a little too absorbed in its own morality. Firstenberg hammers home a prophetic message of racial disharmony despite a relentless catalogue of ever-increasing violence. James plays a black US senator targeted by an extreme group of right wing nationalists, until baby-faced cowboy Dudikoff enters the fray and protects his best friend by fighting off the baddies. There aren’t a lot of laughs here considering the film’s strong subject matter, but no one said it isn’t still completely preposterous, which it thankfully is.

AKA: Night Hunter

This post was written by
Editor and creator of Kung Fu Movie Guide and the host of the Kung Fu Movie Guide Podcast. I live behind a laptop in London, UK.

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