Jason Bourne’s quiet life with girlfriend Marie in India is rudely interrupted when a Russian assassin chases the couple through the busy streets of Delhi and shoots Marie dead with his sniper rifle. Bourne’s quest for revenge takes him to Berlin where he discovers that he has been framed for the death of two CIA agents and pinned as the culprit behind $3m of stolen money. In reality, the cash has been embezzled through the grubby hands of an unscrupulous Russian oil tycoon and some corrupt US officials. As Bourne struggles with his destructive amnesia, he begins to question his own innocence as he dodges the assassin’s bullets in a bid to clear his name. This is just as great as the first one, hotfooting through India, the USA, Russia and Germany, adding a travelogue quality to this exciting action franchise. The stunts and car chases are edgy and innovative, with documentary filmmaker Paul Greengrass employing a sense of gritty realism to great effect. Bourne continues to remain one step ahead of his pursuers through the sort of hi-tech gimmickry and quick-thinking that would put Houdini to shame. He vanishes under subways, second guesses just about every authority figure he meets, and shows up in random buildings with little or no explanation. To even query such things seems like a moot point – after all, he’s Jason Bourne, he can do anything. As for Matt Damon, it appears he has quickly carved out the most defining role of his career.
- Country: Germany, United States
- Action Director: Damon Caro, Jeff Imada
- Directed by: Paul Greengrass
- Starring: Brian Cox, Franka Potente, Joan Allen, Julia Stiles, Karl Urban, Matt Damon
- Produced by: Frank Marshall, Patrick Crowley, Paul Sandberg
- Written by: Tony Gilroy
- Studio: Universal Pictures